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07/15/2009 Housing Authority Minutes
East Hampton Housing Authority
Chatham Acres
Governor Bill O’Neill Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

A meeting was held on July 15, 2009 at Chatham Acres.  The meeting opened at 6:33pm.
Members present were Patricia Dufour, Jo Ann Ewing, Monica Kangley, Ann McLaughlin, Tom Denman, Judie Bobbi and Town Council liaison, Sue Weintraub.  One resident was in attendance.

Minutes:  A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to approve the Minutes of June 17th.  Mr. Denman seconded.  Motion carried and was unanimous.

Bills and Communication:  
CHFA sent an email to the Housing Authority stating that once the stat budget has been approved they will know what will happen to funding for the RSC Grant.  However, if the program is not funded at 100%, it will be possible to reduce the RM&R provision to pay for the difference.
Comcast has sent a work up of three different contracts for the bulk cable; a 5year is $24 per unit per month, 7 year is $20 per unit per month, 10 year is $17 per unit per month.  This does not include the taxes that we are required to pay which may be about $1 to $1.50 added into each unit.  However, this will include everyone having the digital starter box and they will not have to pay for it which will save about $4.50 each.  Cable will increase about 5% per year.

A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to contract for the 5 year plan.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Motion carried and was unanimous.
Millenium Water sent the results of the IOC and nitrate and nitrite tests due for Chatham Acres.  Tests showed no violation.  Ms. Bobbi reported that the CCR for 2008 has been completed for both complexes and sent off to the Town Health Director and the State Health Department as required.
Ms. Bobbi sent a request to DECD asking for an extension on the due date for the annual audit.  DECD approved an extension to 7/31/09.  Ms. Bobbi noted that Buel CPA has preliminary information to begin the audit and will be at the housing on July 20th to gather all the information needed.
Ms. Bobbi has finished the Year End Report for the RSC Program from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 and will mail to DECD.

Cash Report:  Ms. Bobbi presented the reconciliation for June 30, 2009.  Mr. Denman made a motion to approve the report.  Ms. Ewing seconded.  Motion carried and was unanimous.

Old Business and New Business:
Ms. Bobbi reported that we have purchased the Rug Doctor Machine and floor attachment.
The new signature cards for Bank of America and STIF have been completed.
Ms. Bobbi reported that she will be attending the ConnNAHRO convention on August 31st for both days along with three commissioners.
Congregate consultants:  Real Estate Solutions came back for a Q and A with the Board and will be sending a proposal to perform the feasibility analysis for the congregate.  Ms. Bobbi had called the New Samaritan to ask for another meeting but he has not gotten back to us yet.  Ms. Ewing asked if the Board wants to make a firm decision on going forward.  Ms. McLaughlin would like to see if there is another consultant firm we could hear from.   Ms. Weintraub mentioned since Rick Robbins had given us two names to contract, maybe he could give another choice.  Ms. McLaughlin stated that before we make a firm decision to go forward she would need to see some proposals first.
Ms. Bobbi will redo the Rick Robbins draft letter including suggestions from the members.  It will be sent to members for a final look.
Tenant Commissioner Policy will be postponed till August meeting.  Ms. Bobbi will make up a draft for review and send to members prior to the August 19th meeting.
Ms. Kangley asked that a Public Remarks section be added to Agenda.
Ms. Kangley noted that the Bellwood door is sometimes open and wants us to place a notice that it should be kept locked.  Ms. Bobbi will make up notice for each door.
Ms. Butler, a resident in attendance, reported how difficult it is for her to use the doors with her wheel chair; especially if the door is locked.  This led to a discussion on getting some information about automatic doors.  Ms. Ewing will give us the information she has since the Senior Center just installed one.  Ms. Weintraub suggested that the money the Housing Authority will be saving from the reduced PILOT be used to install an automatic door at each complex.
It was also noted to add Tenant Liaison and Town Council Liaison to the Agenda.  
Ms Weintraub asked how many names are on the waiting list.  Ms. Bobbi reported 10.  The Application time has now closed until January 2010 unless it becomes necessary to advertise earlier.

Adjournment:  A motion was made by Ms. McLaughlin to adjourn at 7:57pm.  Ms. Kangley seconded.

Respectfully submitted by Judie Bobbi, recording secretary